Friday 11 November 2016

Vocabulary #2

Polysemic: This is when a sign can have more than one meaning i.e. red could connotate danger, as well as love.

Enigma: This is a puzzle or question that they audience want ot find the answer to. ''This creates an enigma where the audience are wondering...''

Juxtaposition: This is the placement of two contrasting ideas alongside each other - e.g. 'The bright colours of spiderman's costume juxtaposes the colours of the villain suggesting that...'

Binary opposites: When two ideas are the complete opposite - good/evil, light/dark, female/male, old/young. i.e. ''The use of the binary opposites of old and young suggest that there might be a conflict between...'

Protagonist: The main character that the audience want to succeed.

Antagonist: The character that opposes the protagonist, (the character that the audeince does not want to succeed).

Iconic Sign: A sign that looks like the idea that they are trying to represent. - i.e. a printer icon n word looks like a printer, the male/female toilet sign looks like the gender they are trying to represent.

Indexical sign: A sign that points to something else having happened (like an index points the page) i.e. smoke points to a fire, black eyes point to a fight, tears point to hearing bad news.

Symbolic Sign: A sign that symbolises an idea that doesn't look like what it is representing but instead is something we have come to associate with. - i.e. a dog representing family, a tie representing professionalism, purple representing royalty, pink representing femininity.

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