Friday 27 January 2017

film chain

The film chain are the different processes that happen when making a film. These processes consists of the following: 
  • Production 
  • Marketing
  • Distribution. 

We started off by coming up with the idea of the film. This took us a while as we wanted to choose a film that majority of people would know. We then sorted out our cast and started to film. We had limited time to get our filming done, but we had got enough footage to work with. The technology that we used for filming was only a camera and this was a canon 550D. The next stage was editing and this took around 2 hours. We noticed that we lost a crucial part of film, but we did not have enough time to film it again so we had to deal with what we had. When editing we added things such as sound effects and slow motion. Moreover, the technology that we used to distribute our swede film was YouTube, and this was very successful. The film was left up on YouTube for just around a week ad during that week we came up with some advertisement ideas. These ideas consisted of an Instagram page, a website and poster, all of which did help, but the thing that helped us the most was the shoutout from Zara’s brother. He had 2000 people on his snapchat, and this helped to raise our views from 89 to 426.        

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Mise-en-scene vocabulary

Lighting (general): Can be used to highlight the importance of characters.

High Key lighting: A bright and well lit scene with very few shadows. Often used to make a location or character seem friendly, happy or safe.

Low key lighting: A dimly lit scene with lots of shadows. often used to make a location or character seem shady, untrustworthy, dangerous or unsafe.

Chiaroscuro lighting: a scene lit with extreme lighting, lots of shadows, some very bright parts. see the effects of low key lighting. also used to make a location or character seem very dramatic and unusual.

Body shape and language: the way the characters body looks and they way they hold their body. e.g: confident, slumping down, cowering from someone etc. It tells us what type of person they are and how they feel about other.

Facial features and expressions: the way the characters face looks and shows emotion. For example a shocked expression, sadness, a look of love. You can also comment on the way they look such as bad teeth,

Swede film - Fault in Hamsterdamn

This is our swede film.